Evolution of Indian Flag

Indian flag in 1906

The first National flag in India is said to have been hoisted on August 7, 1906, in the Parsee Bagan Square (Green Park) in Calcutta now Kolkata. The flag was composed of three horizontal strips of red, yellow and green.

Indian flag in 1907

The Second flag was hoisted in Paris by Madame Cama and her band of exiled revolutionaries in 1907 (according to some inl9OS). This was very similar to the first flag except that the top strip had only one lotus but seven stars denoting the Saptarishi. This flag was also exhibited at a socialist conference in Berlin.

Indian flag in 1917

The Third flag went up in 1917 when our political struggle had taken a definite turn. Dr. Annie Besant and Lokmanya Tilak hoisted it during the Home rule movement. This flag had five red and four green horizontal strips arranged alternately, with seven stars in the saptarishi configuration super-imposed on them. In the left-hand top corner (the pole end) was the Union Jack. There was also a white crescent and star in one corner.

Indian flag in 1921

The Fourth flag was set up during the session of the All India Congress Committee which met at Bezwada in 1921 (now Vijayawada) an Andhra youth prepared a flag and took it to Gandhiji. It was made up of two colours-red and green-representing the two major communities i.e. Hindus and Muslims. Gandhiji suggested the addition of a white strip to represent the remaining communities of India and the spinning wheel to symbolise progress of the Nation.

Indian flag in 1931

The Fifth National flag was set up in year 1931 which was a landmark in the history of the flag. A resolution was passed adopting a tricolour flag as our national flag. This flag, the forbear of the present one, was saffron, white and green with Mahatma Gandhi’s spinning wheel at the center. It was, however, clearly stated that it bore no communal significance and was to be interpreted thus.

Indian flag in 1947

The Present Flag : On July 22, 1947, the Constituent Assembly adopted it as Free India National Flag. After the advent of Independence, the colours and their significance remained the same. Only the Dharma Charkha of Emperor Asoka was adopted in place of the spinning wheel as the emblem on the flag. Thus, the tricolour flag of the Congress Party eventually became the tricolour flag of Independent India.

Historical achievements


Before British rule, India ranked top in the world GDP rank Producing around 25 -30 % of the world’s industrial output which Dropped to around 2 % at the time of Independence. British looted 45 trillion Dollars from India and deindustrialized India at the time of independence. India after Independence had to fight Poverty, Hunger, and unemployment, and India did lift itself. There was Rapid Industrialization, and India again opened itself to the world Globalized. And currently, India is 3rd largest economy in the world.

Health Sector

In 1947 the average Life expectancy was 32 years, and there were Diseases like Malaria and Tuberculosis. Almost 23 percent of the population had malaria,then there was polio. Until the early 1990s every day around 500 Children were getting paralyzed India Fought polio and declared itself polio Free by 2014. Today India’s polio Eradication is a successful case study for the health sector for the world. Around the time of independence, 2000 mothers died for every one lakh Child births, today that number is down to 103.


India has also a success story in Technology. Just after 17 years of Independence India decided to go to space and the 1st rocket was launched in 1963. Then by 1974 India became nuclear power.


In 1947 Literacy rate was 12% and currently India's literacy rate is 77.7% .For India to grow it had to educate its People and made free education a Fundamental right. The India that could neither read nor write is now the world's biggest talent Pool, top engineers and doctors are of Indian origins.

National Anthem